Thursday, September 01, 2011

Recondite Quips and Hockey Fight Clips

I do not have a clear concept of what irony is. Sometimes an unlikely relatedness between two events will strike me as being ironic, and when I describe that relatedness of events to my friends they usually agree that it is ironic, but I am still at a total loss to actually define irony in a way that would be understandable to a person not yet familiar with the concept. For instance, it seems ironic to me that I should choose this video to accompany what was supposed to be the final installment of Recondite Quips and Hockey Fight Clips which I posted shortly after Derek Boogaard was found dead of a prescription drug overdose. There are any number of "better" fights I could have chosen but the fact is my little tribute was also meant to honor one of my all-time favorite Maple Leafs. Who knew then that Wade Belak would take his own life just a few months later. Irony has a time component, you see. God bless you Wade Belak.


carl duewall said...


Dave Renfro said...

Thanks Carl.

red dirt girl said...

I'm sad. Sorry for your loss and the blogging world's as well. Always loved the hockey fight clips. :(


Dave Renfro said...

Thanks mule friend. Yeah, I loved the hockey clips, too, but I've just about gotten to the point where I'd rather see a good hip-check than a fight. It's just not worth it.

Thanks for stopping by!


Martijn said...

Irony can sometimes move into sinister realms, beyond our grasp. I can't play your clips here I'm afraid, but I still see what you mean: I had the urge to combine a picture of our Queen Beatrix with the music of While My Guitar Gently Weeps. Not so much ironic, but... 'appropriate'. I was writing about it, but my blog is still MIA. Hey Dave, good to see you writing again!

Dave Renfro said...

Thanks for stopping by, Martijn! I keep clicking on my Tijno Carmabi link but it goes to some strange foreign language version of Typepad with lots of superfluous "j" letters near the end of the words, not that the "j" in your name is in any way superfluous, it is utterly correct and appropriate, in fact. It is as correct and appropriate as Canadian pronunciation of Mar-TAN Saint Loo-WEE (Martin St. Louis), the star forward from the Tampa Bay Lightning.

You rock, Martijn!

Martijn said...

Hê hê, you are the rockin' one, Dave. Have I ever told you how to pronounce my name? The ij thing is a common combined letter combination in Dutch. The pronounciation is like eye. Or, 'ijn', is somewhat like the 'ine' in libertine. Never mind, what's in a name, eh?