Monday, May 03, 2010

Religion Hijacks Great Conversation!

Mulberry River near Ozark--A conversation between kayakers involved in the 35th Anniversary School of Whitewater Paddling put on by the Arkansas Canoe Club went terribly wrong this Saturday when a latecomer apparently misunderstood the topic being discussed. According to witnesses, the late-night conversation was philosophical and hypothetical in nature and not a critique of any particular religion. One glassy-eyed participant described the incident as he munched on breakfast cereal straight from the box: "Dude, we weren't talking about religion at all, man! We were talking about the knowability of things, about how some people can't stand knowing that they really can't know something so they just know it anyway. We were just using religion as a vehicle to explore this righteous idea man, when all of a sudden this drunk dude walks up saying Christians are stupid and stuff. What a fucking letdown, man!" The party crasher reportedly refused to shut up or leave causing many of the other kayakers to retire to their tents early leaving half-drunk beers on the picnic table. The people involved dispersed before authorities were able to respond.


carl duewall said...

i hate it when that happens.

Dave Renfro said...

Yeah, what an asshole!

Hi, Carl!

bulletholes said...

Same thing happened to me!

Anonymous said...

That wasn't me. It could have been me. Good thing I don't drink anymore! Hey Dave! UF Mike