Sunday, December 27, 2009

Recondite Quips and Hockey Fight Clips

"I never allow myself to be influenced in the smallest degree either by atmospheric disturbances or by the arbitrary divisions of what is known as time. I would willingly reintroduce the use of the opium pipe or the Malay kris, but I know nothing about that of those infinitely more pernicious and moreover flatly bourgeois implements, the umbrella and the watch."

--The "I've gotten dried off as many times as I've gotten wet" character Bloch, from Marcel Proust's In Search of Lost Time


Anonymous said...

I've got to hand it to you, Dave. You're the first guy in history to combine Proust and hockey. I bow to you.

UF Mike

Dave Renfro said...

Really? The connection is so obvious. Thanks, Mike!

Anonymous said...

Loved the fight, too. It was so... pointless. It appears to be impossible to inflict physical damage on another person with one's fists while wearing ice skates. Seems to me the first thing two hockey players preparing to come to blows should do is take off their skates--not their gloves.

UF Mike