Sunday, November 06, 2011

Whitewater Kayaking vs. Skateboarding

Whitewater Kayaking

Cost of kayak: $1000
Cost of other essential gear: more than $1200
Days per year of suitable weather: less than 30
Average driving time to river: 90 minutes each way
Shuttle required: yes
Roof rack required: yes
Four-wheel-drive required: sometimes
Social or independent: highly social
Ease of self-rescue: very difficult
Risk of maxillofacial trauma: moderate
Risk of distal radius fracture: very low
Risk of labrum tear: moderate to high
Risk of drowning: low to moderate
Intensity of fun: high
Can be enjoyed on weeknights: no


Cost of skateboard: $100
Cost of other essential gear: $0
Days per year of suitable weather: more than 300
Average driving time to skate area: 5 minutes each way
Shuttle required: no
Roof rack required: no
Four-wheel-drive required: no
Social or independent: either
Ease of self-rescue: easy
Risk of maxillofacial trauma: high
Risk of distal radius fracture: moderate to high
Risk of labrum tear: very low
Risk of drowning: very low
Intensity of fun: moderate
Can be enjoyed on weeknights: yes


carl duewall said...

It's been a long dry spell...

Dave Renfro said...

Yes sir, it has! But I could have played boatball yesterday at Lincoln Lake and chose instead to go to a used bookstore, not buy anything, and then go back home. I felt that was a better use of my time than going to a boatball game at Lincoln Lake. Wnat to buy a kayak?

Hi, Carl!

red dirt girl said...

Kayaking, skateboarding, running half marathons ...... where do you get all that energy ???? Send some my way. (btw: nice to read a Dave post)


Hi Dave!

Martijn said...

Kayboarding, the best of worlds!

Hey Dave, good to see you climbed back in the pen. Very nice!

Dave Renfro said...

Hi, Martijn! Hi, Mule Friend! Energy? No, not at work. Truth be told, if I hadn't started exercising again, I'm not sure I could cope with, um, all the things I'm coping with. I'm sure you both know what I'm talking about!

But that's a subject for another day. Love you both and thanks for stopping by!